Looking for Health Insurance

Remembering health insurance, recalled an episode of The Simpson's, titled Last Exit to Springfield. Terceritakan Homer Simpson becomes president of the Union, fighting for health insurance in the company, to Liza Simpson who were required to wear braces. Oh, well, generally a good company to ensure the health of employees, employee family follows. For the lecturer like me, where the University where I serve does not provide an optimal level of health protection; of course I had to find their own protection.

Actually this problem has long thought, but it feels like a low priority. Not put on was certainly healthy, but because of lack of knowledge about this health insurance. Dibandikan with life insurance, education, and retirement; where the location of health insurance? It was all important and it's a lot of which should be set aside if we want to plan these things. And we are just four, two adults and two children.

Well it turns out, ga ya nice job where there is no guarantee this. There is no health insurance, no pension. Just imagine, when a family member who is ill and hospitalized, all the rupiah should be collected to pay for treatment. Boro-boro for aesthetic purposes such as braces Liza Simpson. Kalo is this, working in Indonesia (oops, meant to work in where I work) tasted worse than working in the place of his Burn Mr. Homer Simpson:).

Yeah. One of who?

These months, my mother should be hospitalized. It turned out to spend tens of millions of dollars as well. Phew. Alhamdulillah, all dollars are deployed and managed to get through a difficult mother. This makes me more confident to immediately protect themselves, both in healthy lifestyles and health protection. Determination was made, did not want to make a difficult child at my age when merenta later.

Unfortunately, the more read about the insurance, the more confused to decide: D. It turned out that the insurance product variety, yes, even health insurance. Is this actuarial science? Meni lieurrrr: D. Some health insurance offers pure, mixed with some offering investment / unit-linked. Pure health insurance is the term 'burn' if no claim. A product sales explained that the products 'return 20% if no claim'. Worthy ga sih? : D

Insurance plus the investment we made to invest. According to Safir Senduk [hoho] scale of priorities is to pay debt, fund operations, saving, investment last. Conclusion, if you are still a lot of debt, what might have been able to invest? Then, the various investment, stocks, bonds, money market blah blah blah. Wow, very interesting. Who likes ga with numbers rupiah. If talk of money, all would be her Mr. Crabb Sponge-bob: I love money!!

But back to his needs, health insurance. I look commonlife, formerly of Astra, with BrightPlannya products. On the site there was no explanation of anything, but I was given a direct illustration. I keep in here. Not been decided, still a comparative study and still feels eungap finance.